Training in intellectual property
We can also improve the level of knowledge of your technical and legal staff by way of intellectual property training days.
On the basis of its professional expertise, Le Guen & Associés makes its employees’ experience available to you in awareness-raising and training sessions on the law of intellectual and industrial property. We also provide teaching at many public universities (e.g. Rennes, Caen), selective higher-educational establishments (e,g. EFB) and institutions (e.g. CCI).
Our awareness-raising and training programme is aimed at innovators and their employees and seeks to impart to them key concepts relating to the protection and defence of rights and the exploitation of their intellectual property.
The training sessions are aimed at staff who need to have an awareness of industrial and intellectual property in the context of their professional activity.
We provide our clients with a customized service in order to help them to improve on a day-to-day basis their procedures for managing and exploiting intellectual property, both in France and overseas. Every operational employee who participates in the chain of the design and marketing of products or services must be familiar with the basic concepts and principles of intellectual property.
Training offering
One of the objectives of the training is the acquisition of good instincts in terms of intellectual property law so as to be able to gain know-how and autonomy and then to be aware of the benefits of protection. Another is knowing how to be effectively protected by way of a patent, a trademark or a design right.
In the training sessions, we teach best practices as well as actions centred around issues relating to you specifically, in order to master the basics of industrial and intellectual property and protect your innovations and your brand image.
How the training is carried out
The training for your technical and legal staff is provided in training days or half-days. The training sessions may be provided as a complement to an audit or other assistance provided by our firm.
These sessions may beneficially complement an audit of protection or occur after our firm has taken over the management of a new portfolio of trademarks.